In This Chapter
Accessing the Dominion KX
II Using CLI ..............................................211
SSH Connection to the Dominion KX II.................................................211
Telnet Connec
tion to the Dominion KX II ..............................................212
ng In..............................................................................................213
Navigation of the CLI
Initial Configuration Using CLI
CLI Prompts...........................................................................................216
CLI Commands......................................................................................216
Administering the Dominion KX II Console Serve
Commands ............................................................................................218
Configuring Network
The Command Line Interface(CLI) can be used to configure the
Dominion KX II network interface and perform diagnostic functions
provided you have the appropriate permissions to do so.
The following figures describe an overview of the CLI commands. See
CLI Commands (on page 216) for a list of all the commands, which
de definit
ions and links to the sections in this chapter that give
examples of these commands.
The following common commands can be used from all levels of the CLI
to the preceding figure: top, history, log off, quit, show, and help.
Note: Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
Chapter 12
Command Line Interface (CLI)