Chapter 12: Command Line Interface (CLI)
Interface Command
The Interface command is used to configure the Dominion KX II network
interface. The syntax of the interface command is:
interface [ipauto <none|dhcp>] [ip <ipaddress>] [mask
<subnetmask>] [gw <ipaddress>] [mode <mode>]
Set/Get ethernet parameters
ipauto <none|dhcp> IP auto configuration (none/dhcp)
ip <ipaddress> IP Address
mask <subnetmask> Subnet Mask
gw <ipaddress> Gateway IP Address
mode <mode> Set Ehternet Mode
Interface Command Example
The following command enables the interface number 1, sets the IP
address, mask, and gateway addresses, and sets the mode to auto
Admin > Config > Network > interface ipauto none ip mask gw mode
Note: Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
Name Command
The name command is used to configure the network name. The syntax
of the name is:
name [devicename <devicename>] [hostname <hostname>]
Device name configuration
devicename <devicename> Device Name
hostname <hostname> Preferred host name (DHCP
Name Command Example
The following command sets the network name:
Admin > Config > Network > name devicename My-KSX2