Chapter 4 Creating Patches
Gain (Wave Gain)
Range: -6/0/+6/+12
Specifies the gain (amplitude) of the waveform. The value
changes in 6 dB (decibel) steps—an increase of 6 dB doubles
the waveform’s gain. If you intend to use the Booster to
distort the waveform’s sound, set this parameter to its
maximum value.
Tempo Sync (Wave Tempo Sync)
Range: ON/OFF
Determines whether the waveform is synchronized (ON) or
not synchronized (OFF) to the Patch’s tempo.
FXM (Frequency Cross Modulation)
FXM (Frequency Cross Modulation) uses a specified
waveform to apply frequency modulation to the currently
selected waveform, creating complex overtones. This can be
useful when creating wilder sounds or sound effects.
Switch (Wave FXM Switch)
Range: ON/OFF
Sets whether FXM will be used (ON) or not (OFF).
Color (Wave FXM Color)
Range: 1–4
Specifies how FXM will perform its frequency modulation.
Higher settings result in a grainier sound, while lower
settings result in a more metallic sound.
Depth (Wave FXM Depth)
Range: 0–16
Specifies the depth of the modulation produced by FXM.
Tone Delay
Produces a time delay between the moment a key is pressed
(or released) and the moment the Tone actually begins to
sound. Since you can adjust the timing of each Tone in a
Patch, you can create effects in which pressing a single key
produces two or more sounds occurring at different times.
If you do not wish to use Tone Delay, set Mode to NORMAL
and Delay Time to 0.
Mode (Tone Delay Mode)
Sets the manner in which the Tone will sound.
Available Settings:
NORMAL: The Tone will sound after the specified Delay
HOLD: The Tone will only sound if the key is held for longer
than the specified Delay Time. If the key is released before
the Delay Time has elapsed, the Tone will not sound.
KEY-OFF-NORMAL: The Tone will not sound while the key
is being pressed, but will sound — after the specified Delay
Time — when the key is released.
KEY-OFF-DECAY: The Tone will not sound while the key is
being pressed, but will sound after the specified Delay Time
when the key is released. However, for this setting — unlike
KEY-OFF-N — the TVA envelope of the Tone will begin
when the key is first pressed. As a result, in most cases, only
the decay portion of the sound will be heard.
If you have selected a Wave that is a decay-type sound (i.e., a
sound that fades away naturally even if the key is not
released), selecting KEY-OFF-NORMAL or KEY-OFF-
DECAY may result in no sound being heard.
Note off
Delay time
Note on
Note off
Delay time
Note on
No sound
Note off
Delay time
Note on
Note off
Delay time
Note on