Chapter 4 Creating Patches
Editing Samples
PATCH WG SMT#1 page ([PATCH] - [F2
(WG)] - [F2 (SMT)])
SMT (Sample Mix Table)
The SMT number is displayed.
No. (Sample Number)
Specify the number of the Sample to be assigned.
Name (Sample Name)
The name of the assigned sample will be displayed.
Level (Sample Level)
Range: 0–127
Determines the sound volume of each sample.
Pan (Sample Pan)
Range: L32–32R/RANDOM/Key+/Key-
Determines the pan setting for each sample. The stereo
position is fixed at the center at 0, the far left at L32, and far
right at 32R. The stereo position changes irregularly at
random (RANDOM).
The stereo position changes according to the notes played on
the keyboard (note number) when it is set to “Key+” or
“Key-.” When this is set to “Key+,” the higher up on the
keyboard that you play, the further the sound is shifted to
the right; when set to “Key-,” the higher the notes played on
the keyboard, the further left the sound is shifted.
With “LFO+” and “LFO-,” the settings value is set to 0
(center), and the pan shifts between the left and right sides
based on the LFO. The depth of the swing in the pan is
determined by the Pan TVA Depth setting. With “LFO-,” the
LFO phase is the reverse of “LFO+.”
With “Alt,” the pan alternates back and forth between the left
and right sides.
C.T (Sample Coarse Tune)
Range: -48– +48
Adjusts the pitch of the sample to be used in semitone steps
over a range of +/-4 octaves.
F.T (Sample Fine Tune)
Range: -50– +50
Determines the fine pitch setting of the sample to be used, in
one-cent steps (1/100 of a semitone).
P.KF (Pitch Keyfollow)
Range: -16– +16
Sets the relationship between the note number (key position)
of the Partial to be used and the pitch that actually sounds.
* The pitch of the Sample is changed relative to the original key
of each Sample.
16/8: When the note number is increased by one octave, the
actual pitch increases by two octaves.
Norm (8/8): When the note number is increased by one
octave, the pitch increases by one octave (the normal pitch
change in semitone units).
Off (0/8): The pitch doesn’t change even though the note
number is changed.
-8/8: When the note number is increased by one octave, the
actual pitch decreases by one octave.
-16/8: When the note number is increased by one octave, the
pitch decreases by two octaves.
Original Key