Chapter 4 Creating Patches
Assign (Assign Type)
Selects the range over which the Split settings are applied.
MULTI: The settings affect all Partials.
SINGLE: The settings affect a single selected Partial.
MIDI (MIDI Switch)
Determines whether or not selections and settings are be
made with a MIDI keyboard.
OFF: MIDI messages are not received.
SELECT: This setting allows note numbers to be selected
from a MIDI keyboard.
* Press [F6 (Set)] to enable the settings.
SET: This sets the value selected with the MIDI keyboard.
Editing Partials
PATCH WG Parameter page ([PATCH] -
[F2 (WG)] - [F1 (WG Prm)])
Name (Partial Name)
You can name a Partial (up to 15 characters).
* Names are given to Partials in the same manner as that
described for Patch Names (p. 127).
Coarse Tune (Partial Coarse Tune)
Range: -48– +48
Adjusts the pitch of the Partial’s sound up or down in
semitone steps over a range of +/-4 octaves.
Fine Tune (Partial Fine Tune)
Range: -50– +50
Adjusts the pitch of the Partial in one-cent steps (1/100th of a
semitone) over a range of half a semitone up or down.
Press [F5 (Global)] to turn Global on and display the “✔” to
the left of the function name; the same settings are applied to
all Partials used in the Patch being edited. When Global is set
to OFF, then only the currently selected Partial (the Partial
appearing on the screen) is edited.
Press [F6 (MIDISel)], causing "✔" to appear at the left of the
function name. The Partials assigned to each key can be
selected from the MIDI keyboard or other such controller.