10 About RSA RADIUS Server September 2005
Accounting Sequence
A RAS can issue an Accounting-Request whenever it chooses, for example upon
establishing a successful connection. Each time an Accounting-Request message
arrives at the RSA RADIUS Server, an accounting transaction begins. During this
transaction, the server handles the message by examining the Acct-Status-Type
and other attributes within the message, and taking the appropriate action.
Comma-Delimited Log Files
When the RSA RADIUS Server accounting log is enabled, all of the RADIUS
accounting attributes that the server receives are reformatted and logged to a
Comma Separated Value (CSV) text file, which is easily imported into
spreadsheets and database programs for report generation and billing.
After receiving an Access-Accept from
the server, the RAS completes its
access negotiation with the user. The
RAS then sends a Start message to the
Record connection data such as user ID,
RAS identifier, RAS port identifier, port
type, and connection start time.
After a connection is terminated, the
RAS sends a Stop message to the
Record statistics regarding the connection.
One message contains the final value of
every statistic that this RAS is capable of
recording about this type of connection.
At intervals of approximately every six
minutes, the RAS sends an Interim-Acct
message to the server.
Record a “snapshot” of statistics regarding
the connection. One message contains the
current value of every statistic that this
RAS is capable of recording about this
type of connection.
Every time a client device comes online,
whether after a failure or after an orderly
shutdown, it sends an Accounting-On
message to the server.
Identify the device that is going online and
clear all session information.
Every time a client device experiences
an orderly shutdown, before completing
its shutdown sequence it sends an
Accounting-Off message to the server.
Identify the device that is going offline and
clear all session information.
Upon receipt of an Accounting-Request
message, the server sends an
Complete the request/response cycle.
Table 2. Message Conditions and Attributes (Continued)
Message Conditions Purpose of Message Attributes