54 Administering Profiles September 2005
4 Optionally, enter a description for the profile in the Description field.
5 Add checklist and return list attributes to the profile.
a Click the
Checklist tab or the Return list tab.
b Click
Add. The Add Checklist Attribute window or the Add Return List
Attribute window (Figure 17) opens.
Figure 17 Add Checklist Attribute and Add Return List Attribute Windows
c Select the attribute you want to add from the Attributes list.
d Select or enter a value for the attribute.
The window changes according to the attribute you choose. Some
attributes require that you enter a value, string, or IP address. Other
attributes require that you choose from a predefined list of values.
If the
Multivalued indicator is dimmed, an attribute can have only one
value. If the
Multivalued attribute is not dimmed, you can add multiple
values for the attribute.
(Checklist attributes only) To set this value to the default value for the
attribute (which is useful in situations where the attribute is not included
in the RADIUS request), click the
Default value checkbox.
(Return list single-valued attributes only) If you do not want to
specify a particular value, but want to make sure that whatever value of
the attribute appears in the RADIUS request is echoed to the client in the
RADIUS response, click the
Echo checkbox.
e Click
Add to add this attribute/value pair to the list.