24 Installing the RSA RADIUS Server September 2005
Specifies whether you are installing a Primary or Replica
RADIUS Server.
Valid values are
Default value is
Indicates you want to run the RSA RADIUS Server
migration utility (rsainstalltool), which transfers
RADIUS settings from an older version of
RSA Authentication Manager and registers the
RSA RADIUS Server as a host agent.
For information on the migration utility, refer to “Data
Migration/Registration” on page 19.
-overwrite Specifies that the tprsMigReg.log installation log
file from a previous installation of RSA RADIUS Server
can be overwritten.
Specifies the path to the radius.cer, server.cer,
radius.key, and sdconf.rec files.
Default value is
Specifies the TCP port used for administration of the
Default value is 1813.
Specifies the name of the Primary RADIUS Server.
Use only when installing a Replica RADIUS Server. Do
not use the
-primary option if you are specifying the
-reppkg option.
Specifies the IPv4 address or addresses of the Primary
RADIUS Server. If your Primary RADIUS Server has
more than one network interface, you can enter as many
as four IP addresses separated by commas.
Use only when installing a Replica RADIUS Server. Do
not use the -primary_ips option if you are specifying
-reppkg option.
Specifies the CCM shared secret used to authenticate
communications between the Primary RADIUS Server
and Replica RADIUS Servers.
Do not use the
-primary_secret option if you are
specifying the
-reppkg option.
Table 5. Command Options for the install_rsa.sh Command (Continued)
Option Function