Customizing the Self Service Web Site
It is important to note that the EWARESS.JS file (rather than the
ACCPACCRM.JS file) is referenced in all Self Service ASP pages. For more
information on the ACCPACCRM.JS and EWARESS.JS files, please refer to the
Developer Guide.
Customizing the Self Service Web Site
The functionality available in the Self Service site and the extent to which you
can customize it depends on whether you have the Extensibility Module.
Without the Extensibility Module
Without the Extensibility Module, you are limited to customizing a number of
specific blocks. This may be sufficient, depending on implementation
requirements. The blocks are accessible from Administration | Customization |
<Entity> | Lists or Administration | Customization | <Entity> | Screens. Please
refer to the table below for a description of the Screen and List blocks that can be
customized without the Extensibility Module.
The following table describes the blocks referenced in the Self Service demo Web
Block Name Type of Block Description
sscaselist List Object Displays a list of
cases for visitors.
ssopportunitylist List Object Displays a list of
opportunities for
sscaseentry Screen Object Enables visitors to
register new cases
via the Web site.
ssopportunityentry Screen Object Enables visitors to
create new
opportunities in
CRM, via the Web
You customize Self Service screens and lists from Administration |
Customization in the normal way. Please refer to the System Administrator Guide
for more information on screen and list customization.
Self Service Guide 3–3