Now you can…
With the Extensibility Module
With the Extensibility Module, you can use the complete set of eWare blocks to
add extra functionality to your Self Service site.
You reference the blocks in ASP pages in the same way as you do within
standard CRM. One difference, however, is that you reference the EWARESS.JS
file (rather than the ACCPACCRM.JS include file) on all ASP pages.
Using the CRM interface and ASP pages, you can create new blocks for Self
Service or use existing eWare blocks and restrict them to show less information.
You can set screens to be read only or editable, restricting what different users
can do on the page. User passwords can be allocated at Person or Company level.
Refer to the Developer Guide for information on eWare blocks.
Typical functionality that you can add to the Self Service site using ASP pages
Enabling visitors to view product information via the Web site.
Enabling visitors to view their visitor profiles and edit them via the Web site.
Creating leads based on the information typed by the visitor.
Contacting visitors directly by the customer care department.
Now you can…
Plan a Self Service Web site.
Understand basic Self Service architecture.
Create and add functionality to a Self Service Web site.
3–4 Sage CRM