Enabling a Person for Self Service
Visitor Maintenance
Suppose you want to remove all anonymous visitors who have not visited your
Web site in the past six months from the Visitor List.
To remove anonymous visitors:
1. Select the Visitor Maintenance tab.
2. Type 6 in the Delete Visitors field.
Visitor Maintenance page
3. Select the Delete button.
You are asked if you are sure you want to proceed with the deletion.
Visitor Maintenance page
4. Select the Confirm Delete button.
Anonymous visitors who have not logged onto the site in the last six months
are removed from the Visitor List.
Enabling a Person for Self Service
To enable a person for Self Service:
1. Find the person you wish to enable and click on the hypertext link of their
name to display the Person Summary page.
2. Select the Self Service tab.
The Self Service page is displayed.
5–4 Sage CRM