This manual was written to help you get the most performance, comfort, enjoyment and safety when riding your new bicycle.
It is important for you to understand your new bike. By reading this manual before you go out on your first ride, you’ll know how to get
the most from your new bicycle.
It is also important that your first ride on your new bicycle is taken in a controlled environment, away from cars, obstacles, and other
Bicycling can be a hazardous activity even under the best of circumstances. Proper maintenance of your bicycle is your responsibility as
it helps reduce the risk of injury. This manual contains many “Warnings” and “Cautions” concerning the consequences of failure to main-
tain or inspect your bicycle. Many of the warnings and cautions say, “you may lose control and fall.” Because any fall can result in seri-
ous injury or even death, we do not repeat the warning of possible injury or death whenever the risk of falling is mentioned.
It is a tragic fact that most bicycle accidents involve children. As a parent or guardian, you bear the responsibility for the activities and
safety of your minor child. Among these responsibilities are to make sure that the bicycle which your child is riding is properly fitted to the
child: that it is in good repair and safe operating condition; that you and your child have learned, understand and obey not only the applic-
able local motor vehicle, bicycle, and traffic laws, but also the common sense rules of safe and responsible bicycling. As a parent, you
should read this manual before letting your child ride the bicycle. Please make sure that your child always wears an approved bicycle
helmet when riding.