1) Shifting the Rear Derailleur
The rear derailleur is controlled by the right shifter. The function of the rear derailleur is to move the drive chain from one gear to another
on the rear gear cluster, thereby changing gear drive ratios. The smaller sprockets on the gear cluster produce higher gear ratios. Pedal-
ing in the higher gears requires greater pedaling effort, but takes you a greater distance with each revolution of the pedal cranks. The
larger sprockets produce lower gear ratios. Using them requires less pedaling effort, but takes you a shorter distance with each pedal
crank revolution. Moving the chain from a smaller sprocket of the gear cluster to a larger sprocket results in a downshift. Moving the
chain from a larger sprocket to a smaller sprocket results in an upshift. In order for the derailleur to disengage the chain from one sprock-
et and move it on to another, the chain must be moving forward (i.e. the rider must be pedaling forward).
2) Shifting the Front Derailleur:
The front derailleur, which is controlled by the left shifter, shifts the chain between the larger and smaller chainrings. Shifting the chain
onto a smaller chainring makes pedaling easier (a downshift). Shifting to a larger chainring makes pedaling harder (an upshift).
b) Which gear should I be in?
The combination of largest rear, smallest front gears is for the steepest hills. The smallest rear, largest front combination is for
the greatest speed. It is not necessary to shift gears in sequence. Instead, find the “starting gear” which is right for your level of
ability -- a gear which is hard enough for quick acceleration but easy enough to let you start from a stop without wobbling — and
experiment with up-shifting and downshifting to get a feel for the different gear combinations. At first, practice shifting where
there are no obstacles, hazards or other traffic, until you’ve built up your confidence. Once you’ve learned the basics, experi-
ence will teach you which gear is appropriate for which condition, and practice will help you shift smoothly and at precisely the
optimum moment.