Hill Technique
- Gear down before a climb and continue gearing down as required to maintain pedaling speed.
- If you reach the lowest gear and are struggling, stand up on your pedals. You will then obtain more power from
each pedal revolution.
- On the descent, use the high gears to avoid rapid pedaling.
- Do not exceed a comfortable speed, maintain control and take additional care.
Cornering Technique
Brake slightly before cornering and prepare to lean your body into the corner. Maintain the inside pedal at the 12 o'clock
position and slightly point the inside knee in the direction you are turning. Keep the other leg straight, don't pedal through
fast or tight corners.
Rules for Children
To avoid accidents, teach children good riding skills with an emphasis on safety from an early age.
1. Always wear a properly fitted helmet.
2. Do not play in driveways or the road.
3. Do not ride on busy streets.
4. Do not ride at night.
5. Obey all the traffic laws, especially stop signs and red lights.
6. Be aware of other road vehicles behind and nearby.
7. Before entering a street: Stop, look right, left, and right again for traffic.
If there's no traffic, proceed into the roadway.
8. If riding downhill, be extra careful. Slow down using the brakes and maintain control of the steering.
9. Never take your hands off the handlebars, or your feet off the pedals when riding downhill.
The Consumer Protection Safety Commission advises that the riding of small wheel diameter
bicycles at excessive speeds can lead to instability and is not recommended.
Children should be made aware of all possible riding hazards and correct riding behavior before they take to the streets
- Do not leave it up to trial and error.