sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
sharpVISION™ User Manual
This parameter controls the speed at which the image data is read from the CCD. The
supported values are: 20 MHz, 10 MHz, 5 MHz and 2MHz.
Exposure Mode
Use the drop-down list to select either Single or Double exposure mode.
Trigger/Sync Mode
The default state of the camera at start-up is in the Internal/continuous mode. In this mode
the camera does not require a trigger input signal. The other camera modes (External Edge
High, Edge Low, Pulse High and Pulse Low) require an external trigger input. In these modes
the camera waits for a trigger signal to initiate the acquisition of a frame. There is a delay
(latency) between the trigger event and the start of an acquisition of 12 microseconds.
Camera Cooler
The camera cooler feature may be activated. The parameter enables and disables the
Acquisition Time Out
If the camera cannot snap a frame during live mode or cannot acquire a sequence, a time out
may occur. Type a new value into the text box to change the duration of the time out. The
value is displayed in seconds.
Region of interest
The camera ROI may be adjusted. The grayed edit boxes in the ROI group show the current
ROI settings. The user may change them by pressing the "Edit…" button (see below). The
button is disabled when the camera is playing.
To reduce the noise associated to the sensor, a background image is acquired. The camera
lens cap must be on.