sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
sharpVISION™ User Manual
8.1.3. PNG Format
PNG is an extensible file format for the lossless, portable, well-compressed storage of raster
images. PNG provides a patent-free replacement for GIF and can also replace many
common uses of TIFF. Indexed-color, grayscale, and true-color images are supported, plus
an optional alpha channel. Sample depths range from 1 to 16 bits.
PNG is designed to work well in online viewing applications, such as the World Wide Web, so
it is fully streamable with a progressive display option. PNG is robust, providing both full file
integrity checking and simple detection of common transmission errors. Also, PNG can store
gamma and chromaticity data for improved color matching on heterogeneous platforms.
PNG is a platform-independent format that supports a high level of lossless compression,
alpha channel transparency, gamma correction, and interlacing. It is supported by more
recent Web browsers.
8.1.4. AVI Format
The Microsoft AVI file format is a Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) file specification
used with applications that capture, edit, and play back audio-video sequences. In general,
AVI files contain multiple streams of different types of data. Most AVI sequences use both
audio and video streams. A simple variation for an AVI sequence uses video data and does
not require an audio stream.
8.1.5. MOV Format
The Apple Quick Time MOV file format is used with applications that capture, edit, and play
back audio-video sequences. In general, MOV files contain multiple streams of different types
of data. Most MOV sequences use both audio and video streams. A simple variation for an
MOV sequence uses video data and does not require an audio stream. The format is not
supported on Windows OS.
8.1.6. BLD Format
The BLD format corresponds to the file format RAW, which is known from several
applications. Each BLD file needs a corresponding descriptor file in the DSC format. In a BLD
file all single frames of an image sequence are stored successively uncompressed in the
block format. The data is in binary raw data format (e.g. for grayscale pictures 1 Byte per
Pixel). The descriptor file (DSC) belonging to the BLD file is a line-orientated ASCII file, in
which values like e.g. resolution, frames or date are stored. The DSC file can be created with
any text editor.
8.1.7. MPEG Format
MPEG, which stands for “Moving Picture Experts Group”, is a name of family standards used
for coding audio-visual in a digital compressed format. MPEG is a generic means of
compactly representing digital video and audio signals for consumer distribution. The basic
idea is to transform a stream of discrete samples into a bit-stream of tokens which takes less
space, but is just as filling to the eye. The graphic library implements the MPEG-1 format, the
standard on which such products as video CD and MP3 are based. The
compression/decompression technique implemented in MPEG is “lossy”, e.g. some amount
of data information is lost.