sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
sharpVISION™ User Manual
nWidth: width of each image in pixels.
nHeight: height of each image in pixels.
nBPP: number of bits per pixels (8, 10 or12)
userData: an array of 64 unsigned long that may be user by the user to store other
information. Data arrays
The image header is followed by the images data. Images are stored contiguously in
uncompressed format.
8.1.9. Multi-page Compressed Format (MCF)
Multi-page Compressed Format (MCF) is a compressed IDT proprietary file format. Multiple
raster images are stored in a single file. The format is described below.
Each MCF file contains a file header, an image header and an array of bytes that defines the
image data bits. The image raster data is compressed and stored in the file. Both 8 bit and 16
bit data are supported. The file structures are the following: File header
A MRF file begins with a file header structure containing the IDT raw file signature.
typedef struct _RCFILE_HEADER
char szSign[8]; // IDT raw file signature
unsigned long nReserved; // reserved
szSign[8]: a 8 char buffer which contains the signature “IDT-MCF”. It indicates that the
remainder of the file contains a Multiple Compressed File.
nReserved: this field is reserved for future use. Image header
The file header is followed by the image header which contains general information about the
data stream.