
Using the config program or DTMF set the Port 0 receive level digital pot for 0.5v
This will be the reference point for adjusting all other audio levels.
Step 2 – Set the Port 0 Tx level.
While still generating the signal used in step 1, set your service monitor to
receive the signal now being transmitted by the radio on port 0.
Set the port 0 transmit level pot so that the port 0 transmitter deviation is set to
2.5 Khz deviation.
This will match the received signal to the transmitted signal.
Step 3 – Set the link port Tx levels.
With the signal still being generated from step 1, move the service monitors
receiver input through each of the link transmitters.
On each transmitter, set the Tx level digital pot for 2.5 KHz deviation.
Step 4 – Set the link port Rx levels.
Set the receiving service monitor to the port 0 transmit frequency.
Set the generating service monitor to the port 1 receive frequency.
Generate a 1 KHz tone signal on the port 1 receive frequency that is set at 2.5
KHz deviation.
Adjust the port 1 receive level digital pot so that the port 0 transmitter generates
the 1 KHz tone at 2.5 KHz deviation.
Step 5 – Set the level of the rest of the receivers in the same way as port 1 was sest
in step 4.
Step 6 – Set the system wide telemetry bus level.
Set the telemetry test tone parameters…
*C2211000D Set the test tone frequency to 1000 Hz
*C222127D Set test tone amplitude to mid scale (127)
*C2198 Turn on test tone generator