Stored values of configuration parameters, stored values of unlock codes, stored and
working table of macros.
Memory usage for the Radio Control Board
Program ROM
Executable code and the library of sound sequences. digital pots settings, tone
definitions and amplitudes, ID frequency, speed, and amplitude are downloaded from
the CPU board when the system is reset. Most of the parameter set functions change the
CPU board stored values, but do not download the values to the Radio Control Boards
(digital pot setting is an exception, as it must be interactive).
Therefore, if the ID is changed, the system must be reset for it to be effective. There is
space in the serial EEPROM for storing the working copy and two backups of
the configuration parameters, unlock code table, and macro table. The parameter
backup and restore commands are used to copy the data from one of these copies to the
Configuring the System - Parameter Storage
Most parameters defining operation of the controller are represented by global variables
of the CPU board program. They are stored in a serial EEPROM from which they are
loaded on booting the program. The EEPROM contains three copies of the controller
configuration parameters, designated working copy, backup, and deep backup. The
working copy is generally synchronized with the RAM copy of the parameters. Some
parameters can be set with an individual command to the CPU board via the RS232
serial port or DTMF received by one of the radios. These commands check parameters
and most set both the RAM and EEPROM working value. Other parameters are set by
writing directly to the corresponding address in the serial EEPROM. The working copy
can be copied to and from the backup copy and the backup copy can be copied to and
from the deep backup copy, via DTMF commands. Macros are stored only in the serial
EEPROM, and not in microprocessor RAM, except as they are being executed.
The commands for changing specific parameters do input range checking and change
both RAM and eeprom, so the effect of the command may be determined immediately.
Specific commands are not provided for changing many of the. There are commands to
change the value of any address in EEPROM directly. This should not normally be
invoked manually from DTMF, as a mistake can corrupt the EEPROM. When used over
RS232 from a controlling program on an attached PC, it will provide a mechanism for
efficiently configuring all parameters of the system.
Some parameters are stored differently.
1. The command translation table, which translates a sequence of DTMF characters
into a word length internal command, is stored in program ROM. Because the
PIC processor is capable of reprogramming itself, this table will be able to be
customized in the field. This capability is not available in program v0.90.