Call signs and location IDs can be up to 20 characters.
The site prefix should be 1, 2 or three unique digits. All site prefix codes are # followed
by the parameter that you enter. If you enter 123, then your prefix will be #123.
Unlock codes should be something that only system administrators know. The
minimum requirement is to specify unlock codes 1 and 2.
3. Configure Each Radio Port
Each port is assigned a personality depending on the type of equipment and desired
behavior. Port types include repeaters, link, VIOP gateways, and remote bases.
Differences between port types
The table below describes the differences in behavior between ports configured as
repeaters, links, irlp nodes, and remote bases. Some of these are just the default
behavior that is created when the port type is defined, and can be changed, either by
port type or by individual port. Others (such as ability to accept commands) are built
into the programmed behavior of the port type.