3-114 Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Switch Administration Guide • June 2003
3.4.4 Configuring VLAN Behavior for Interfaces
You can configure VLAN behavior for specific interfaces, including default VLAN
identifier (PVID), accepted frame types, ingress filtering, GARP VLAN Registration
Protocol (GVRP) status, and Group Address Registration Protocol (GARP) timers.
Note the following points about GVRP and GARP:
■ GVRP – GARP VLAN Registration Protocol defines a way for switches to
exchange VLAN information in order to automatically register VLAN members
on interfaces across the network.
■ GARP – Group Address Registration Protocol is used by GVRP to register or
deregister client attributes for client services within a bridged LAN. The default
values for the GARP timers are independent of the media access method or data
rate. These values should not be changed unless you are experiencing difficulties
with GVRP registration/deregistration.
When configuring VLAN behavior for interfaces through the web interface or CLI,
the following parameters are displayed or can be configured:
■ Port – The port or trunk (up links NETP0 to NETP7, down links SNP0 to SNP15,
or the management port NETMGT).
■ Default VLAN for Port (PVID) – The VLAN ID assigned to untagged frames
received on an interface. The default for up/down links is 1 and for NETMGT it
is 2.
Note – If an interface is not a member of VLAN 1 and you assign its PVID to
VLAN 1, the interface will automatically be added to VLAN 1 as an untagged
member. For all other VLANs, an interface must first be configured as an untagged
member before you can assign its PVID to that group.
■ Acceptable Frame Types – The interface can accept all frame types, including
tagged or untagged frames, or only tagged frames. When set to receive all frame
types, any received frames that are untagged are assigned to the default VLAN.
Specify all or tagged. The default is all.
■ Switch Port Mode – The VLAN membership mode for a port. The default is
■ Trunk – The port is an end point for a VLAN trunk. A trunk is a direct link
between two switches, so the port transmits tagged frames that identify the
source VLAN.
■ Hybrid – A hybrid VLAN interface. The port can transmit tagged or untagged
■ Ingress Filtering – If ingress filtering is enabled, incoming frames for VLANs that
do not include this ingress port in their member set are discarded at the ingress
port. The default is disabled.