Chapter 3 General Management of the Switch 3-153 Web Interface: Viewing SNMP Statistics
● Open Monitoring ⇒ SNMP Statistics.
You can also use the Refresh button at the bottom of the page to update the screen.
SNMP packets output
• SNMP packets output The total number of SNMP messages which were passed
from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport service.
• Too big errors The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP
protocol entity for which the error-status is “tooBig.”
• No such name errors The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP
protocol entity for which the error-status is “noSuchName.”
• Bad values errors The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP
protocol entity for which the error-status is “badValue.”
• General errors The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP
protocol entity for which the error-status is “genErr.”
• Response PDUs The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which have
been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
• Trap PDUs The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been
generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
TABLE 3-45 SNMP Traffic Statistics (Continued)
Statistic Description