Appendix B Troubleshooting B-13
Cannot set aggregated link status. Cannot enable LACP for a static member of an
aggregated link.
Data is invalid. General error.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
VLANs Data is invalid. General error.
Please enter a valid PVID. PVID is invalid. Select a correct one.
Please enter a valid timer. Timer is invalid. Select a correct one.
Table is full or data is invalid. Table is full or data is invalid.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
Data is invalid. General error.
Please enter a valid MAC address. Invalid MAC address.
Please enter a valid VLAN ID. VLAN ID is invalid.
Table is full or data is invalid. Table is full or data is invalid.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
Spanning Tree Data is invalid. General error.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
Config Path cost is out of range. Path cost is out of range.
Priority is out of range. Priority is out of range.
Port Path cost is out of range. Path cost is out of range.
Priority is out of range. Priority is out of range.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
Management Ports
VLANs Data is invalid. General error.
Please enter a valid PVID. PVID is invalid. Select a correct one.
Please enter a valid timer. Timer is invalid. Select a correct one.
Table is full or data is invalid. Table is full or data is invalid.
User privileges are not enough to
perform this operation.
Privileges insufficient.
TABLE B-4 Web Interface Error Messages (Continued)
Menu Message Description