
73A-270 Arbitrary Pulse/Pattern Generator Module
Appendix D: Performance Verification
This procedure verifies the performance of the 73A-270 Arbitrary Pulse-Pattern
Generator. It may be performed in your current VXIbus system if it meets the
requirements described in Table A–2. Also, it is not necessary to complete the
entire procedure if you are only interested in a specific performance area. Some
tests depend on the correct operation of previously verified functions so it is best
to perform the entire procedure in the order presented.
The following skills are required to perform this procedure:
H Thorough knowledge of test instrument operation and proper measurement
H Knowledge of VXIbus system components and command language
H Ability and facility to construct interconnections and fixtures as needed to
perform the procedure
General Information and Conventions
Please familiarize yourself with the following conventions which apply
throughout the procedure:
H Each verification sequence begins with a table, similar to the one below,
which provides information and requirements specific to that section.
Oscilloscope (item 1)
Oscilloscope Probe (item 2)
Prerequisites Prerequisites listed on page 56
The item number after each piece of equipment refers to an entry in
Table A–1, Required Test Equipment.
H This procedure assumes that your VXIbus system is configured as indicated
in Table A–3 and that you will be using the National Instruments PC-GPIB
controller, and software (NI-488.2M). In the verification sequences you will
be instructed to issue Interface Bus Interactive Control (ibic) commands to
set up the 73A-270 system. Please refer to the NI-488.2M User Manual for
additional information. If you are using a different controller, simply
substitute the equivalent commands.