Appendix D: Performance Verification
73A-270 Arbitrary Pulse/Pattern Generator Module
IBWRT "0R0A11L14L0C0B"
(Observe 100 ns ±10 ns pulse width)
c. Verify the additional time base resolutions as directed in Table A–4
Table A–4: Time Base Resolution Verification
Command to Send Pulse Width to Verify
IBWRT "0R0A11L14L0C0B"
(step 2b repeated for table continuity)
100 ns ±10 ns
IBWRT "Q1R0B" 1 ms ±10 ns
IBWRT "Q2R0B" 10 ms ±10 ns
IBWRT "Q3R0B" 100 ms ±10 ns
IBWRT "Q" (Verify that the waveform stopped)
3. To verify the pulse duration multiplier, set the 73A–270 for a 100 ns
resolution, to the beginning of the address space, for a first List entry of
100 ms active high, for a second List entry of 100 ms active low and
designated as the Last Address, to transmit the list continuously, and finally
to begin transmission of the last channel selected. Verify a 5 kHz ±0.5 Hz
square wave.
IBWRT "0R0A10001L10004L0C0B"
(Verify 5 kHz ±0.5 Hz)
4. Verify the additional pulse duration multipliers as directed in Table A–5
NOTE. The last measurement in Table A–5 may require a Timer/Counter if you
wish to verify the precise tolerances listed.