Command Descriptions
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
ARMed indicates that the instrument is acquiring pretrigger information. All
triggers are ignored when TRIGger:STATE is ARMING.
AUTO indicates that the digitizing oscilloscope is in auto mode and acquires data
even in the absence of a trigger.
FASTframe (TDS 500C and 700C only) indicates that the instrument is in
FastFrame mode. This means normal trigger status monitoring is turned off. The
digitizing oscilloscope will not return armed, partial, ready, trigger, or auto while
in this state.
INStavu (TDS 500C and 700C only) indicates that the instrument is in InstaVu
PARTial indicates that the main trigger has occurred and the digitizing oscillo-
scope is waiting for trigger(s) for the delay by events.
REAdy indicates that all pretrigger information has been acquired and the
digitizing oscilloscope is ready to accept a trigger.
SAVe indicates that the digitizing oscilloscope is in save mode and is not
acquiring data.
TRIGger indicates that the digitizing oscilloscope has seen a trigger and is
acquiring the posttrigger information.
might return ARMED, indicating that pretrigger data is being acquired.
*TRG (No Query Form)
(Trigger) executes commands that are defined by *DDT.
The Group Execute Trigger (GET) interface message has the same effect as the
*TRG command.
Alias commands, *DDT
Related Commands