Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Table D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.)
Control Changed by Factory Init to
Measure gating Off
Measure high ref 90% and 0 V (units)
Measure high-low setup Histogram
Measure low ref 10% and 0 V (units)
Measure mid ref 50% and 0 V (units)
Measure mid2 ref 50% and 0 V (units)
Pulse glitch filter state TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: On
(Accept glitch)
Pulse glitch trigger polarity TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: Positive
Pulse glitch width TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 2.0 ns
Pulse runt high threshold TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 1.2 V
Pulse runt low threshold TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 0.8 V
Pulse runt trigger polarity TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: Positive
Pulse runt triggers when ... TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: Occurs
Pulse runt width TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 2.0 ns
Pulse slew rate delta time 2.0 ns
Pulse slew rate polarity Positive
Pulse slew rate thresholds
Trig if faster than
1.80 V
800 mV
Pulse slew rate triggers when ... Trig if faster than
Pulse timeout polarity TDS 500C & 600B: Either
Pulse timeout time TDS 500C & 600B: 2.0 ns
Pulse trigger class TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: Glitch
Pulse trigger level TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 0.0 V
Pulse trigger source
(Glitch, runt, and width, and timeout)
TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C:
Channel 1 (Ch1)
Pulse width lower limit TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 2.0 ns
Pulse width trigger polarity TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: Positive
Pulse width trigger when TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: Within limits
Pulse width upper limit TDS 510A, 500C, 600B & 700C: 2.0 ns
Repetitive signal TDS 500C & 700C: On
RS-232 parameters No change
Saved setups No change