Command Groups
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
Zoom Commands
Zoom commands let you expand and position the waveform display horizontally
and vertically without changing the time base or vertical settings. Table 2–25
lists these commands.
Table 2–25: Zoom Commands
Header Description
ZOOm Reset zoom parameters to defaults
ZOOm:DUAl (Not on TDS 510A) Turn dual zoom mode on and off
(Not on TDS 510A)
Adjust the requested horizontal offset between
the centers of the main and second zoom
(Not on TDS 510A)
Select between the upper and lower graticule
for use by the zoom preview state
ZOOm:HORizontal:LOCk Horizontal zoom lock
ZOOm:HORizontal:POSition Horizontal zoom position
ZOOm:HORizontal:SCAle Horizontal zoom scale
ZOOm:STATE Turn zoom mode on or off
(you can also turn on the preview mode
– not on the TDS 510A)
ZOOm:VERTical:POSition Vertical zoom position
ZOOm:VERTical:SCAle Vertical zoom scale