Chapter 3: Function Graphing 118
Using TRACE in a Program
Using TRACE in a ProgramUsing TRACE in a Program
Using TRACE in a Program
On a blank line in the program editor, press r. The instruction
Trace is pasted to the
cursor location. When the instruction is encountered during program execution, the
graph is displayed with the trace cursor on the first selected function. As you trace, the
cursor coordinate values are updated. When you finish tracing the functions, press
Í to resume program execution.
Exploring Graphs with the ZOOM Instructions
Exploring Graphs with the ZOOM InstructionsExploring Graphs with the ZOOM Instructions
Exploring Graphs with the ZOOM Instructions
To display the
ZOOM menu, press q. You can adjust the viewing window of the graph
quickly in several ways. All ZOOM instructions are accessible from programs.
1: ZBox
Draws a box to define the viewing window.
2: Zoom In
Magnifies the graph around the cursor.
3: Zoom Out
Views more of a graph around the cursor.
4: ZDecimal Sets @X and @Y to 0.1.
5: ZSquare
Sets equal-size pixels on the X and Y axes.