Appendix B: Reference Information 652
MODE You attempted to store to a window variable in another
graphing mode or to perform an instruction while in the
wrong mode; for example, DrawInv in a graphing mode
other than Func.
• The solve( function or the equation solver did not
detect a sign change.
• You attempted to compute
æ when FV, (Ú…PMT),
PV are all ‚ 0, or when FV, (Ú…PMT), and PV are
_ 0.
• You attempted to compute
irr( when neither CFList
CFO is > 0, or when neither CFList nor CFO is
NONREAL ANS In Real mode, the result of a calculation yielded a
complex result. This error is not returned during
graphing. The TI-84 Plus allows for undefined values on
a graph.
OVERFLOW You attempted to enter, or you have calculated, a
number that is beyond the range of the graphing
calculator. This error is not returned during graphing.
The TI-84 Plus allows for undefined values on a graph.
RESERVED You attempted to use a system variable inappropriately.
See Appendix A.
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies