Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 411
Chapter 15:
Chapter 15:Chapter 15:
Chapter 15:
CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic
CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic
CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic
Browsing the TI-84 Plus CATALOG
Browsing the TI-84 Plus CATALOGBrowsing the TI-84 Plus CATALOG
Browsing the TI-84 Plus CATALOG
What Is the CATALOG?
What Is the CATALOG?What Is the CATALOG?
What Is the CATALOG?
The CATALOG is an alphabetical list of all functions and instructions on the TI-84 Plus.
You also can access each CATALOG item from a menu or the keyboard, except:
• The six string functions
• The six hyperbolic functions
solve( instruction without the equation solver editor (Chapter 2)
• The inferential stat functions without the inferential stat editors (Chapter 13)
Note: The only CATALOG programming commands you can execute from the home
screen are
GetCalc(, Get(, and Send(.
Selecting an Item from the CATALOG
Selecting an Item from the CATALOGSelecting an Item from the CATALOG
Selecting an Item from the CATALOG
To select a
CATALOG item, follow these steps.
1. Press y N to display the