Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007TVP5147M1PFP
2.11.2 AFE Gain Control Register
Subaddress 01h
Default 0Fh
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved 1 1 AGC chroma AGC luma
Bit 3: 1 must be written to this bit.
Bit 2: 1 must be written to this bit.
AGC chroma enable: Controls automatic gain in the chroma/PbPr channel:
0 = Manual (if AGC luma is set to manual, AGC chroma is forced to be in manual)
1 = Enabled auto gain, applied a gain value acquired from the sync channel for S-video and component
mode. When AGC luma is set, this state is valid. (default)
AGC luma enable: Controls automatic gain in the embedded sync channel of CVBS, S-video, component
0 = Manual gain, AFE coarse and fine gain frozen to the previous gain value set by AGC when this bit is set
to 0.
1 = Enabled auto gain applied to only the embedded sync channel (default)
These settings only affect the analog front-end (AFE). The brightness and contrast controls are not affected
by these settings.
2.11.3 Video Standard Register
Subaddress 02h
Default 00h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Video standard [2:0]
Video standard [2:0]:
CVBS and S-Video Component Video
000 = Autoswitch mode (default) Autoswitch mode (default)
001 = (M, J) NTSC Component 525
010 = (B, D, G, H, I, N) PAL Component 625
011 = (M) PAL Reserved
100 = (Combination-N) PAL Reserved
101 = NTSC 4.43 Reserved
110 = SECAM Reserved
111 = PAL 60 Reserved
With the autoswitch code running, the user can force the decoder to operate in a particular video standard
mode by writing the appropriate value into this register. Changing these bits causes the register settings to
be reinitialized.