Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007TVP5147M1PFP
2.11.6 Color Killer Register
Subaddress 05h
Default 10h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Automatic color killer Color killer threshold [4:0]
Automatic color killer:
00 = Automatic mode (default)
01 = Reserved
10 = Color killer enabled, the UV terminals are forced to a zero color state.
11 = Color killer disabled
Color killer threshold [4:0]:
1 1111 = 31 (maximum)
1 0000 = 16 (default)
0 0000 = 0 (minimum)
2.11.7 Luminance Processing Control 1 Register
Subaddress 06h
Default 00h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved Pedestal not present Reserved VBI raw Luminance signal delay [3:0]
Pedestal not present:
0 = 7.5 IRE pedestal is present on the analog video input signal (default)
1 = Pedestal is not present on the analog video input signal
VBI raw:
0 = Disabled (default)
1 = Enabled
During the duration of the vertical blanking as defined by the VBLK start and stop line registers at
subaddresses 22h through 25h (see Sections 2.11.22 and 2.11.23), the chroma samples are replaced by luma
samples. This feature can be used to support VBI processing performed by an external device during the
vertical blanking interval. In order to use this bit, the output format must be 10-bit ITU-R BT.656 mode.
Luminance signal delay [3:0]: Luminance signal delays with respect to the chroma signal in 1× pixel clock
0111 = Reserved
0110 = 6-pixel delay
0001 = 1-pixel delay
0000 = 0 delay (default)
1111 = −1-pixel delay
1000 = −8-pixel delay