
Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007 TVP5147M1PFP
2.11.35 Status 2 Register
Subaddress 3Bh
Read only
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Signal present Weak signal detection PAL switch polarity Field sequence status Color killed Macrovision detection [2:0]
Signal present detection:
0 = Signal not present
1 = Signal present
Weak signal detection:
0 = No weak signal
1 = Weak signal mode
PAL switch polarity of first line of odd field:
0 = PAL switch is zero.
1 = PAL switch is one.
Field sequence status:
0 = Even field
1 = Odd field
Color killed:
0 = Color killer not active
1 = Color killer activated
Macrovision detection [2:0]:
000 = No copy protection
001 = AGC pulses/pseudo syncs present (type 1)
010 = 2-line color stripe only present
011 = AGC pulses/pseudo syncs and 2-line color stripe present (type 2)
100 = Reserved
101 = Reserved
110 = 4-line color stripe only present
111 = AGC pulses/pseudo syncs and 4-line color stripe present (type 3)
2.11.36 AGC Gain Status Register
Subaddress 3Ch−3Dh
Read only
Subaddress 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3Ch Fine gain [7:0]
3Dh Coarse gain [3:0] Fine gain [11:8]
Fine gain [11:0]: This register provides the fine gain value of sync channel.
1111 1111 1111 = 1.9995
1000 0000 0000 = 1
0010 0000 0000 = 0.5
Coarse gain [3:0]: This register provides the coarse gain value of sync channel.
1111 = 2
0101 = 1
0000 = 0.5
These AGC gain status registers are updated automatically by the TVP5147M1 decoder with AGC on. In
manual gain control mode, these register values are not updated by the TVP5147M1 decoder.