To View a Workout on the Map
You can view the workout route on the map. Nearby waypoints will also display on the map.
1. Select a workout to view.
2. Press q to highlight View On Map, then press 8 .
Your current position appears in the center of the map.
Icons representing stored waypoints appear on the map relative to your current position.
These symbols appear on the map:
Compass rose points North
Human figure your current position
Scale indicator indicates the current resolution of the map
Waypoint icons customized icons assigned to waypoints when you created them
Beginning tag the first waypoint in the workout
End tag the last workout in the workout
Press p to decrease the resolution and zoom out. Press q to increase the resolution and zoom in.
The Map feature supports resolution settings in various increments from 20 ft (5 m) — 100 miles (200 km).
To Track Back Along a Workout Route
Use the Track Back feature to follow the route of a stored workout. You can follow a route from beginning to
end or in reverse.
1. Select a workout to view.
2. Press q to highlight TRACK BACK, then press 8 .
3. Press q to highlight BACKWARD or FORWARD, then press 8 . Choose Forward to follow the workout route
from beginning to end, or choose Backward to follow the workout route in reverse.
The map screen displays. Your current location is in the center of the map, and the line indicates the route to
the next waypoint in the sequence.
Press 8 to toggle between the map and the compass view, which shows a directional arrow pointing toward
the next waypoint.
Press p to decrease the map resolution and zoom out. Press q to increase the resolution and zoom in.
To Delete a Selected Workout
1. Press the MODE button until REVIEW displays.
2. Press p or q to highlight the workout to delete, then press 8 .
3. Press q to highlight DELETE, them press 8 .
4. Press q to highlight YES, then press 8 to delete the workout and return to the Workout List, or highlight
NO, then press 8 to keep the stored workout.
To Delete All Workouts
1. Press the MODE button until REVIEW displays.
2. Press q to highlight DELETE ALL, then press 8 .
3. Press q to highlight YES, then press 8 to delete all workouts and return and return to the Workout List, or
highlight NO, then press 8 to return to the Workout List without deleting.
Review Mode Notes & Tips
• While Performance Mode only displays up to four workout metrics, Review Mode gives you more details
about a workout by recording all available workout metrics.
• Use the workouts saved in Review Mode as benchmarks for the Performance Pacer feature in Performance
or Multisport mode.
• The Track Back feature is useful for repeating a favorite workout or for finding your way back to your start-
ing location.