To reset the Global Trainer™ Bodylink® System Watch:
1. While viewing the version screen, hold 8 for 2 seconds.
2. Press q to highlight YES or NO, then press 8 to confirm your selection. Select YES to reset, or select NO to
return to the version screen without resetting.
When reset is complete, the watch is powered off.
Satellite View
Press q to highlight SATELLITE VIEW, then press 8 to view a graphical representation of the satellites the
Global Trainer™ Bodylink® System Watch is fixed upon.
Each number indicates a satellite, and the highlighted bars represent the signal strength for each satellite.
A message to the right of the graphic indicates the overall strength of the GPS fix.
When the Global Trainer™ Bodylink® System Watch is read, 3D FIX will be shown.
Configure the type of units the Global Trainer™ Bodylink® System Watch uses when tracking performance
data. You can choose from English, Metric, and Nautical units.
To Configure Units Settings
1. Press MODE until CONFIGURE displays.
2. Press q to highlight UNITS, then press 8 .
3. Press p or q to highlight the setting to change, then press 8 to open the setting change window.
4. Press p or q to highlight a selection in the setting change window, then
press 8 to confirm your selection.
Setting Group Adjustment
Global Select ENGLISH, METRIC, or NAUTICAL. This globally changes all units listed below.
Units for specific measurements can be changed individually, but changing the global
setting overrides all specific changes to individual units mentioned below.
Distance Units Select miles to report distance in miles, km to report in kilometers, or nm to report in
nautical miles.
Speed Units Select mph to report speeds in miles per hour, kpm to report in kilometers per hour, or
kn to report in knots.
Pace Units Select min/mi to report pace in minutes per mile, min/km to report in minutes per
kilometer, or min/nm to report in minutes per nautical mile.
Altitude Units Select ft to report altitude in feet, or m to report in meters.
Ascent Units Select m/min to report ascent in meters per minute, m/sec to report in meters per
second, ft/min to report in feet per minute, or ft/sec to report in feet per second.