
Display Icons
These icons appear in the status bar:
Battery icon Shows the approximate charge of the battery. More dark seg-
ments indicates a higher charge. The icon shows the charge
remaining while charging, plus the remaining section to charge
Chrono icon Appears when the
chronograph is running
Alarm icon Appears when the alarm is set.
Timer icon Appears when the chrono is running and a timer has been
2:00 PM Time of Day text Current time
Heart icon Solid: Heart rate monitor is communicating properly.
Blinking: Device is pairing or has received no useful data for 15
RPM icon Solid: Speed or cadence sensor is communicating properly.
Blinking: Device is pairing or has received no useful data for 15
Power icon Solid: Power meter is communicating properly.
Blinking: Device is pairing or has received no useful data for 15
Satellite icon Solid: GPS has a satellite fix.
Blinking: GPS is seeking a satelite fix.
None: GPS cannot locate a satellite.
Performance Mode
Performance Mode tracks data for up to 20 workouts and up to 1000 laps. View workout data during your
workout in 5 customizable view screens, each with up to 4 areas for displaying data.
Performance Mode Terminology
View screen: View screens display performance data in a customized layout.
Chronograph: The chronograph records timed segments for the duration of your workout.
Lap: Lap time records the time or duration of individual segments of your workout.
Split: Split time records the total elapsed time since the beginning of your current workout.
Taking a lap or split: When you take a lap or split, the chronograph records the time for the current seg-
ment and automatically begins timing a new one.
Interval: A period of the workout customized for length of time and an optional heart rate intensity.
Repetitions (Reps): A series of intervals which is repeated during a workout.
Example of Laps and Splits
Lap time is the length of an individual segment of activity. Split time is the time elapsed from the beginning of
the workout through the current segment.
The graph below represents the lap and split times for a workout in which 4 laps were taken.