SettingupyourTV 55
Favorites browser
To toggle among the available lists:
After opening the Channel Browser, press the • / • (arrow) buttons
to toggle through the History, ANT/CABLE, Inputs, Favorites, or
HDMI CEC options.
NOTE o:.TheChannelBrowseropensinHistoryListbydefault.Once
anotherlisthasbeenselected,theChannelBrowserwill openin
o:° Ifall listsareturnedoff,pressingBACKCBorNEXTCBarrow
buttonsortheFAVbuttonwill notdisplaytheChannelBrowser.
If FavoritesLististurnedoff,theFAVbuttonwill havenoeffect.
o:- PressingtheFAVbuttonwilldisplaytheChannelBrowser
To rune to a channel or input in Browse mode:
1 While watching TV, press BACK CB or NEXT CB arrow
buttons to display the Channel Browser and surf back to a
previous item or surf forward to the next item in the list. In
Browse mode, when you stop on an item in the Channel
Browser, it is highlighted and the TV automatically tunes to the
channel or input.
2 Press the EXIT button to close the Channel Browser.
To rune to a channel or input in Select mode:
1 While watching TV, press BACK CB or NEXT CB arrow
buttons to display the Channel Browser and surf back to a
previous item or surf forward to the next item in the list.
In Select mode, when you stop on an item in the Channel
Browser, it is highlighted, but the TV is not turned to the
channel until you press the ENTER button.
2 Press the ENTER button to tune the TV to the highlighted
3 Press the EXIT button to close the Channel Browser.