4 SettingupyourTV
Usi_WheM_ia Hayer
Playing music files
You can listen to music from a list of available files. When listening
to music files, you can select music lists, play, pause, stop, skip,
repeat play, and adjust sound settings.
(Sctmple Image) Media Play - mlISiO list
Afteropening Media PlayermadselectingMusic (see"Toopen the
MediaPlayer" onpage 8t) press the • / • (arrow)buttonsto selecta file
orfolder.Youcanuse the • / • (arrow) buttons topage up or down
themusiclistwhen there aremorefiles thanwillfitonto one screen.
4 Select the desired folder and press the ENTER button to move
to the next layer. Press the CH RTN button to move back to the
previous layer.
5 With the desired file selected, press the ENTER button or the
PLAY button to start playback.
6 Press the STOP button to stop playback
NOTE .:. IfplaybackfinishesbeforeSTOPispressed,thenextfilewill
automaticallystartto playfromthebeginning.
¢ Dependingonthefilesize,it maytakesometimeforplaybackto
During playback you can do the following:
o.** Press PAUSE to pause.
o:* To resume nounal playback, press PLAY.
o:* To locate a specific file, press the SKIP Reverse or SKIP
Forward button repeatedly.
o:* To adjust volume, press the VOL (+ -) buttons.
NOTE Toplayinfastreverseorfastforward,pressREVorFFduring