2 SettingupyourTV
Usi_ theMedia Player
gS'ample hmtge) Media Play screen
NOTE o+*÷Theviewerwillopeneveniftherearenophotoormusicfiles.
o:° WhiletheMediaPlayerisactive,themainmenuscannotbe
There are three types of view modes: multi view, single view, and
slide show. Within Slide show, you can skip forward, repeat, and set
time interval.
This view allows you to search for photos in a grid format. These
pictures are displayed using thumbnail data in each image file.
(Sample hmtge) Media Play -photos screet7
To use multi view:
Press the •/•/41/_ (arrow) buttons to move the highlight in
one window. If all of the photos will not fit in one screen, the
screen will move to the previous page when you press 41 from
the top left thumbnail. When you press _ from the bottom
right thumbnail, the screen will move to the next page. You can
also use the •/• (arrow) buttons to page up or down the in
photo list when there are snore photos than will fit on one
3 When you select a folder, press the ENTER button to move to
the next layer, or press the CH RTN button to return to the
previous layer.