Call Forward
Strata CTX General Description 11/02 41
Call Forward
Call Forward diverts internal and external calls intended for a Directory Number [DN] to a
destination specified for that [DN], under calling conditions specified for that [DN]. Call Forward
may be activated from the station that owns the [DN] or remotely from another station or from
outside the system from a DISA line. Call Forward may be applied to any [DN] ([PDN], [PhDN],
or Pilot [DN]).
There are two types of Call Forward options: System Call Forward and Station Call Forward. Each
type may be activated independently or simultaneously for each telephone. If Station CF is
activated, it will override System Call Forward on some or all calls.
Station Call Forward
Station users can set their individual call forwarding conditions and destinations as they choose
(see “Call Forward Conditions” and “Call Forward Destination” in this section). Station
forwarding has priority over System Call Forwarding, if set.
Station Call Forward provides two types of Call Forward (Any Call and Incoming line calls only).
One type directs any type of a call to a designated destination; the other type directs only private or
DID lines to a designated destination. Both types can be set on a telephone simultaneously with
each type having a unique destination.
This allows the user to forward incoming calls on private or DID lines to a different destination
than internal or transferred calls. If private and DID line calls are set to forward independently to
an alternate destination, then internal and transferred calls will forward to another destination per
Station Call Forward (any call) or System Call Forward.
System Call Forward
A system option is available to forward unanswered calls to voice mail or some other pre-
determined destination. This option is set up for each station by the System Administrator using
CTX WinAdmin. This feature is applied to station users that do not have any type of Station Call
Forward set on their telephone. This ensures efficient call handling and better service to callers
even when station users do not have Station Call Forward set at their telephone. Call Forwarding
can also be set up by department with a special mailbox or destination with the use of Phantom
Directory Numbers [PhDNs].
There are 32 different System Call Forward patterns that can flexibly forward calls with unique
call type, condition and destination settings. Each pattern can be set up and assigned to individual
stations by a System Administrator using CTX WinAdmin. Any pattern can be applied
independently to each station’s [PDN] or [PhDN]. System Call Forward patterns applied to
stations can be changed automatically per Day/Night CO assignments.
Although System Call Forward is set up and assigned to individual telephones by a System
Administrator, each telephone user can turn the feature On/Off from their telephone using a One
Touch button or access code. Station Call Forwarding always overrides System Call Forward.
Call Forward Conditions
Call Forward (CF) conditions refer to the status of the [DN] that causes a call to forward. Whether
using Station or System Call Forward, the CF conditions include: Busy, No Answer, Busy-No
Answer, and All Calls (station CF only). Call Forward No Answer times are set individually for
each station in Station Call Forward and system wide for all System Call Forward Patterns.
Note OCA and Voice First Calls will not Call Forward-No Answer unless the caller presses to
switch the call to tone ringing.