Appendix – Specifications
System Tones
80 Strata CTX General Description 11/02
System Tones
Tones which can be heard from speaker or handset are described in Table 30.
Table 30 Call Progress Tones
Tone Name Conditions Ringing Cadence
Prime Dial Tone
Prompting to dial [DN] or access code or to press
a feature button or to dial 9 + number.
350/440Hz continuously On.
Secondary Dial
Prompting to dial [DN] or access code or to press
a feature button, with someone on Consultation
DND-Stuttered Dial
Same as Prime Dial Tone with implication of DND
activated. MW-Stutter dial tone has priority over
this tone.
480/620Hz 0.125 sec. 4 bursts apart
0.125 sec., 350/440Hz 3 sec. On,
MW-Stuttered Dial
Same as Prime Dial Tone with implication of MW
received. This tone has a priority over DND-Stutter
dial tone.
350/440Hz 0.1 sec. 5 bursts apart 0.1
sec., 3 sec. On, repeat.
Entry Tone
More digits are required such as account codes,
some indexes, etc.
350/440Hz, 0.1 sec. 3 bursts apart 0.1
Ring Back Tone Ringing the destination
440/480 Hz 1 sec. On, 3 sec. Off,
Success Tone
Operation was successfully accepted.
350/440 Hz, 3 bursts of 0.125 sec., apart
0.125 sec.
Reject Tone
Operation was rejected. After this tone is done, the
original conversation is resumed.
1209 Hz 0.25 sec., 500 Hz 0.25 sec., 3
Busy Tone
Destination is busy. Invoke desired feature or retry
480/620 Hz, 0.5 sec. On, 0.5 sec. Off,
Reorder Tone
Either the operation failed or the call is terminated.
Hang up.
480/620 Hz, 0.25 sec. On, 0.25 sec. Off,
DND Tone The destination is in the Do Not Disturb mode.
480/620 Hz, 0.125 sec. On, 0.125 sec.
Off, repeat.
Splash Tone
Voice calling starts. Applicable to Voice Paging
and Speaker OCA.
500 Hz, 1.0 sec. On.
Barge-in Warning
Somebody is listening to (monitoring) the
440 Hz 1.0 sec. On.
External Call
Waiting Tone for
An external call is waiting. This tone is sent to the
receive party only.
1209 Hz, 2 bursts of 0.16 sec. apart 0.16
sec., twice, 3 sec. apart.
Internal Call
Waiting Tone for
An internal call is waiting or somebody is listening
to (monitoring) the conversation.
1209 Hz, 2 bursts of 0.5 sec. On, apart
3.0 sec.