Flexible Numbering
Strata CTX General Description 11/02 55
Flexible Numbering
The Strata CTX allows the system-numbering plan to be customized for the user’s needs.
Directory numbers, line and feature access codes, and Network Coordinated Numbering can be
established uniquely in each system.
Handsfree Answerback
When a voice-announced internal [DN] call comes in to a digital telephone, users can answer
without lifting the handset. Cordless and single line digital telephones and standard telephones are
not compatible with this feature.
3000-series digital telephones may be optionally equipped with a modular headset jack by
installing a BHEU PCB.
Hearing Aid Compatible
All Toshiba digital telephones are hearing aid compatible.
High Call Volume Buttons
5HOHDVH, 5HOHDVH$QVZHU, and &DQFHO buttons can be assigned to digital telephones. They
enable a busy user to handle calls quickly and efficiently in high call volume situations.
With one touch of the
5HOHDVH button, a user can disconnect from a call. This is especially useful
in headset applications. The
5HOHDVH$QVZHU button disconnects or transfers the current call,
and answers the next. The
&DQFHO button voids the last operation, such as disconnecting internal
or external parties from conference or tandem calls.
There are several variations of Hold:
Automatic Hold
This option enables a user to place a CO Line or [DN] call on Hold by pressing another CO Line or
[DN] button. The user can then alternate between the new and the old call by pressing the desired
/LQH or [DN]. If this feature is not activated, users must press +ROG before accessing another line
and switching between calls.
Analog Hold
This option enables a user to place a CO Line or [DN] call on Hold and the Line LED will flash on
other DKT telephones when the call is parked. This enables the call to be picked up from other
telephones. This feature must be set in programming.