Strata CTX670 Installation
Install Reserve Power
4-34 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
Floor Mounting Three or More Cabinets
This section shows you how to mount three or more cabinets to a concrete, wood or computer
room floor. Use the General Steps for all of these methods first, then the specific steps that follow
for each method.
1. Make sure that cabinet power supplies (BPSU672A) are installed per “Install Power Supply”
on page 4-6.
2. Remove front, side, and top covers from all cabinets. Remove plastic locating parts from all
cabinet back covers using Phillips screwdriver (Figures 4-4 and 4-5).
3. Install a floor fixture (BFIF) on each side of the bottom cabinet. (Make sure that the fixture is
inside of the cabinet edge. For Steps 3~10, see Figures 4-19~4-23.
4. Place cabinet two on top of the bottom cabinet and connect them together at points “A” and
“B” with the screws provided.
5. Place cabinet three on top of cabinet two and connect them together at points “A” and “B” with
the screws provided.
6. If installing more than three cabinets, install wall brackets (RWBF) on the top of cabinet three.
Position the three cabinets parallel to the wall (two inches from the wall) and secure the wall
brackets to the wall with customer-provided wood screws and wall anchors as required.
7. For systems with just three cabinets, secure the floor fixtures (already attached to the bottom
cabinet) to the floor with the customer-provided floor bolts.
8. Refer to the sub-sections that follow the appropriate procedure to anchor the system to
concrete, wood, or computer room floor.
9. Add remaining cabinets, making sure that the cabinets are connected together at points A and B
with the screws provided.
10. For systems with four or more cabinets, make sure that wall brackets (RWBF) are installed on
both sides of the top cabinet, in addition to cabinet three.
11. Check to make sure the cabinets are parallel to the wall. Secure the floor fixtures attached to the
bottom cabinet to the floor with the customer-provided floor anchors.
12. Connect the data cable of each Expansion Cabinet to the applicable data cable connector on the
Base Cabinet (Figure 4-9). (The data cable from the first Expansion Cabinet should be
connected to the connector labeled “CAB. 2”, the cable from the second Expansion Cabinet to
the “CAB. 3” connector, etc.)
13. Install ground wiring, AC and reserve power cabling, and PCB cabling per the “Recommended
Installation Sequence” on page 4-6.
14. Fill out cabinet/slot identification labels on each cabinet and reinstall covers on the cabinets.
(The top cover should be installed on the top cabinet.)