Strata CTX Configuration
Worksheet 7 – System Power Factor Check
2-44 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
Telephone/Device Power Factors
The power supply of each cabinet supplies a limited amount of power. Use the Worksheet below to
calculate the total Telephone/Device -24 VDC PF for each cabinet. Add it to the appropriate
cabinet in “Cabinet Power Factor Check” on page 2-45. Telephones do not have +5VDC PFs.
Note PF varies by number of telephones because of station paging limit of 32 telephones. Always
use “1.0” for DKT telephones when calculating PFs for individual cabinets.
Main Location _______________ Remote Location 1___ 2___ 3___ 4____ 5___ 6____
Cabinet 1 (Base) Cabinet 2 (Exp.) Cabinet 3 (Exp.) Cabinet 4 (Exp.)
-24 VDC
Total Qty.
-24 VDC
Total Qty.
-24 VDC
Total Qty.
-24 VDC
DKT (any series) x 1.0 = x 1.0 = x 1.0 = x 1.0 =
DDCB (with
x 1.2 = x 1.2 = x 1.2 = x 1.2 =
DDSS Console x 0.8 = x 0.8 = x 0.8 = x 0.8 =
Add-on Module
x 0.4 = x 0.4 = x 0.4 = x 0.4 =
BATI x 0.7 = x 0.7 = x 0.7 = x 0.7 =
Integrated BPCI x 0.2 = x 0.2 = x 0.2 = x 0.2 =
Standard Phone
x 1.0 = x 1.0 = x 1.0 = x 1.0 =
Standard Phone
x 0.5 = x 0.5 = x 0.5 = x 0.5 =
Power Failure
Unit (DPFT)
x 3.0 = x 3.0 = x 3.0 = x 3.0 =
HHEU or BHEU x 0.1 = x 0.1 = x 0.1 = x 0.1 =
BVSU or DVSU x 0.2 = x 0.2 = x 0.2 = x 0.2 =
Total Power
Factor (PF)
Telephone PF ____ Telephone PF ____ Telephone PF ____ Telephone PF ____
Cabinet 5 (Exp.) Cabinet 6 (Exp.) Cabinet 7 (Exp.)
-24 VDC
Total Qty.
-24 VDC
Total Qty.
-24 VDC
DKT (any series) x 1.0 = x 1.0 = x 1.0 =
DDCB (w.MDFB) x 1.2 = x 1.2 = x 1.2 =
DDSS Console x 0.8 = x 0.8 = x 0.8 =
Add-on Module x 0.4 = x 0.4 = x 0.4 =
BATI x 0.7 = x 0.7 = x 0.7 =
Integrated BPCI x 0.2 = x 0.2 = x 0.2 =
Standard Telephone (-48VDC) x 1.0 = x 1.0 = x 1.0 =
Standard Telephone (-24VDC) x 0.5 = x 0.5 = x 0.5 =
Power Failure Unit (DPFT) x 3.0 = x 3.0 = x 3.0 =
HHEU or BHEU x 0.1 = x 0.1 = x 0.1 =
BVSU or DVSU x 0.2 = x 0.2 = x 0.2 =
Total Power Factor (PF)
Telephone PF ____ Telephone PF ____ Telephone PF ____