IP Telephony and QSIG Over IP
Pre-installation Guidelines
9-10 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
IPT Telephone Options
A number of telephone option plugs and connectors are built-in to the IPT1020-SD (see Table 9-4
for compatibility).
IP Telephone Add-on Modules
One or two DADM3120 add-on modules can be connected directly to the IPT1020-SD. Each
DADM3120 provides 20 additional feature buttons. The installation is the same as the
DADM3020. For instructions, refer to “Digital Add-on Module Installation” on page 11-21.
Tilt Stand Installation
See “Tilt Stands” on page 11-23 for instructions.
External Speaker Unit (HESB) Option
See Chapter 10 – Peripheral Installation for installation instructions.
Programming Mode “B” (Flexible Buttons, One Touch,
etc.) Program Mode “B” is for telephone options
controlled by the Strata CTX670 processor and database
memory. (See the
Strata CTX DKT/IPT User Guide.
Same as DKT3000 telephones
● Indication code from center is
● Keep alive control does not
work in terminal setting mode.
● IPT does not notify the state of
terminal setting mode to
Strata CTX.
Table 9-4 IPT Component Compatibility
Item IPT1020-SD
Add-on Modules DADM3120 only
Desktop Computer Telephony Interface
Speaker OCA Future
Tilt Stands
BTSD for telephone only and BTSA for
telephone with ADM(s)
Headset Interface Mounted inside.
External Ringer
HESB interface connector is mounted
Cordless Telephones N/A
Table 9-3 IPT1020-SD Operation with Strata CTX
IPT1020-SD Buttons and Features Strata CTX System with BIPU