Theater Wide 1 picture size
• The picture is non-uniformly
enlarged--the center of the
picture remains dose to its
original proportion, but the left
and right edges are stretched
wider to fill the screen.
• A small part of the picture at
the top and bottom is hidden;
however, this mode cannot be
heaterWide 1picturesizeexample
• Toseleo_the picturesize,pressPlCSIZE
on the yelr?ote control or select PICTURE
SIZ£ in the 7HEATERmenu
• ffyou select TheaterWide2 or3, the top
andbottom edges ofthepicture maybe
hidden Thesee thehidden edges,either
scroll thepicture Cseepage 37.}of try
viewingtheprogram inFurlp*cturesize
Theater Wide 2 picture size
• The entire picture is uniformly
enlarged--it is stretched the
same amount herb wider and
taller (retains its original
• Part of the picture at the top
and bottom is hidden. To view
the hidden areas, see "Scrolling
die Theater Wide picture" on
page 37.
Theater Wide 3 picture size
• The picture is non-uniformly
enlarged--it is stretched wider
to Cdlthe width of the screen,
but only slightly stretched
• A small part of the picture at
tile top and bottom is bidden.
To view the hidden areas, see
"Scrolling the Theater Wide
picture" on page 37.
TheaterWide3 picturesizeexample
Full picture size
• The picture is non-uniformly
enlarged--it is stretched wider
to fill the width of the screen,
but not stretched miler.
• None of the picture is hidden.
Full picture size example
EFFECTSON Plasmadisplay
Avoid displayingstationaryimages on
,our P_asmadisplayfor extendedperiods
?ftime.Fixed(non-moving) images
(suchasstill PIP/POPwindows or black/
_raybarsin z_:3semen picture orPIP/
POPformats) can becomepermanently
engmined in the Plasmadisplay.This
type of damage is NOT CO_/EREDBY
YOUR WARRANTY becauseit isthe
result of misuse,Seeitem 33on page4,