Using the POP double-window feature
The POP (picture-out-picture) feature splits the screen into a double
window that allows you to watch two programs at the same time, The
POP program can come from a TV broadcast or an external source,
such as a VCR.
To display a TV broadcast in the POP window:
1. Press SPLIT to display the POP window:
2. Select channds of the POP window in tile following two ways:
• To change to a specific channels, press POP DIRECT CH.
While "POP" is on _h¢screen, press the Channel Number
buttons (0-9 and 100).
• To change the next programmed channels, press POP CH
if the V-CHIP feature isactive and you try to watch a TV
program that exceeds your set rating limits, the program will be
blocked (see "Using the V-CHIP menu" on page 44).
To display a picture from an external souive in tire POP window:
1. Connect the cxtern'.d source equipment (see "Connecting your
TV" on page 9).
2. Select tile TV program you want to watch in the main window.
3. Press SPLIT to display the POP window.
4. Repeatedly press SOUR.CE to select the input source for tile POP
window (VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3, ColorStream HD1,
or ColorStream HD2 only; you cannot select DVI in POP
mode). The current source will display in purple.
5. _)u can play a tape as the POP picture, or select a channel for the
POP window using the VCR's channel keys.
• TheSPLITbuttons on the remote control
operate the TV'sPOPfeatures
• YoucannotaeeessPOPfeatureswheo
• YoucannotdisplaytheANT-2signalsouree
_hthe POPwindo,_z
• Youcanchoosetoflearthesouedofeither
the mainor POPprogram Csee"Selecting
theAudio OUTsound" on page 59)
-- EXiT
EFFECTSON Plasma display
Avoid displayingstatione0_imageson
your PLasmadisplay for extendedperiods
oftime, Fixed(non-moving) images
(suchasstill PIP/POPwindows or black/
graybars in 4:3screen pictureor PiP/
POPfom_ats]can becomepermanently
e_grainedinthe Plasmadisplay.This
type of damage is NOT COVERED RY
YOUR WARRANTY becauseit is the
resultof misuse,See item33 on page&
While the above menu is on the screen, you can select the desired
signal input source by pressing the corresponding number button
To close the POP window:
Press SPLIT again or EXIT.