Double-Window with keeping aspect ratio
The Double-Window displays the pictures with va,'ious aspect ratio
according to the input signal format.
7_eaug a_eet featuredoesnotqoemte _n
the Double-Window mode.
Using the programmed channel search function
You can use the programmed channel search function to quickly scan
your programmed channels (see "Adding channels to TV's memory"
on page 30).
1. Press CH SCAN.
The TV automatically enters POP mode, and begins a seven-
picture scan of your programmed channels in the POP window.
2. Press AIF41 libto select one of the seven pictures (becomes a
moving picture). The main picture is an always moving picture.
3. Press ENTER to display the channel you selected in step 2 as a
normal picture.
Moving picture
?heaspectratio of altma#7andPOPwindows
are td9.
EFFECTSON Plasma display
Avoid displayingstationaryimages on
yourPlasmadisplayfor extendedperiods
of time. Fixed(nommoving) images
(such as stillPIP/POPwindows of black/
g_y barsin 4:3screenpicture or RP/
POPformate) can becomepermanently
engraioed in the Plasmadisplay,This
type of damage is NOTCOVERED BY
YOUR WARRANTY because itis the
result of misuse,Seeitem 33on page 4.