10. Function Description
The LF232 flowmeter converter is equipped with 4 digital outputs and 2 digital inputs (1 digital output
as standard), enabling you to use these as various functions such as pulse output and alarm outputs.
Digital I/O functions are described below.
Functions Description
Flow totalization
Totalizes flow volume in volumetric unit.
For totalized flow, a pulse output per each unit of flow volume can be
sent out.
The operation to start, stop and reset the totalizer and pulse output can
be controlled with Digital Input.
Multiple ranges
Measuring ranges can be switched in accordance with flow rate.
Measuring ranges can be switched automatically or by control using
Digital Inputs.
Forward and reverse ranges
Forward and reverse direction flows can be measured.
Forward and reverse ranges can be combined with multiple ranges.
Flow rate High/Low limit
(High-high limit/Low-low limit)
If the flow rate exceeds or lowers below the preset value, an alarm will
be output.
2 high limit alarm outputs and 2 low limit alarm outputs, 4 alarm
outputs in total, can be sent out.
Fluid empty alarm
If the fluid to be measured flows out from the measuring pipe of the
detector, an alarm is output.
(In the case of LF232*F, fluid empty alarm function is not usable.)
Preset counter If the count of the totalizer exceeds the preset value, a signal is output.
Remote still water zero adjustment Still water zero adjustment can be controlled using Digital Inputs.
Fixed value output (loop output)
Fixed value for current output and pulse output can be sent out to
perform a loop check for output lines.
The fixed value output mode can also be switched by control using
Digital Inputs.
Converter error alarm
If an error is detected such as memory error or excitation circuit error,
an alarm is output.